Alfalfa Electric Cooperative blue and black logo.

Youth Tour 2022

Although Alfalfa Electric Cooperative did not participate in the historical Youth Tour program, the co-op did reward seven students for writing excellent essays. For over two years, Covid has rocked everyone’s world in one way or another. The students described the many ways they and their family members used electronics during this trying time. They discovered a variety of electronics being used in less than ordinary ways. These AEC essay winners realized electricity’s vital role in navigating this historical time.
Our judge had a challenging time narrowing the essays down to seven. First, the judge had to determine AEC’s Kansas Youth Tour Winner. Allie Blurton from Attica secured the winning essay from Kansas. The rest of the Kansas entries were then added to the Oklahoma essays. After several days of reading and marking essays, the following students were declared winners:  Emma Curry and Karleigh Decker, Timberlake; Savannah Hamblin, Pond Creek-Hunter; Landon Schultz, Kremlin-Hillsdale; Cynthia Samaniego, Alva; and Kate Janzen, Oklahoma Bible Academy.

AEC invited the students to our office complex, where they received a tour of the new building. Greg Goetz, CEO and General Manager, first shared information about the co-op. He then talked to the students about the variety of job opportunities at co-ops. Before heading home, the seven finalists received MacBook Airs. At the awards assemblies in the spring, each student will receive a $500 scholarship.

Once again, Alfalfa Electric Cooperative has chosen seven very deserving students to represent our co-op. Congratulations to our winners this year. You did an excellent job. AEC regrets that none of our students will go to the Youth Tour event in Washington D.C., or to the Cooperative Leadership Camp in Colorado this summer. Next year, we hope to have the traditional interviews, banquet, and trips back in place.