Thinking about Solar?

A solar panel outside.

Over the last year, some AEC members have purchased various forms of solar power for personal use. While solar energy can be useful to our members, it must be installed properly and inspected to be safe. If you are an AEC member contemplating a solar installation, please follow the steps below before installing solar.



  • CONTACT AEC — The member notifies Alfalfa Electric Cooperative (AEC) that they are considering installing solar or other distributed generation (DG) systems.

  • AEC’S ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CONTACTS MEMBERS AND SOLAR/DG CONTRACTORS Staking engineers speak with members and solar companies about plans for installation and the possibility of a site visit.

  • MEMBER COMPLETES CONTRACT — Member completes the DG interconnect agreement with AEC and returns the original signed agreement with the engineered pre-construction plans.

  • AEC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PLAN REVIEW — AEC’s engineering department reviews the pre-construction plans and will then notify the member and the solar company of any concerns or approval. If the plans are approved, construction can begin.

  • AEC PERFORMS INSPECTION — Once the installation is complete, AEC’s staking engineer inspects the solar system for code compliance. If the system meets all conditions of the interconnection agreement, the solar facility is eligible to operate in parallel with the electric distribution facility of AEC.

  • MEMBER ENERGIZES THE SOLAR SYSTEM —After AEC inspects and approves the system, it can be energized.