A blue and white graphic over Operation Round-Up Applications.

Operation Round-Up

Alfalfa Electric’s Operation Round-Up Board of Trustees is set to meet in mid-September for their bi-monthly meeting. The board reviews applications and awards money addressing needs for personal necessities, home repairs, or community needs. Disbursement of funds is available for individuals or organizations. The funds are to be used for food, shelter, clothing, medical, or education expenses.

Applications are due Wednesday, September 1st. If you know an individual or an organization that currently has a need, please have them fill out an application and email it to Regina Waugh (rwaugh@aec.coop) before the application deadline.

Applications and more information about Alfalfa Electric’s ORU program can be found at https://www.aec.coop/community/#operation-roundup.

operation round up logo

(The next ORU meeting will be held in November.)