Alfalfa Electric Cooperative blue and black logo.

New Employee – Patrick Lyons

Alfalfa Electric Cooperative is excited to welcome Patrick Lyons as the newest employee at your cooperative. Patrick is no stranger to Cherokee or Alfalfa Electric.  He grew up in Cherokee and attended Cherokee Public Schools where he met his wife, Tricia Daub. The Daub name may sound familiar in Alfalfa Electric headlines.  Jim Daub, former Manager of Operations and Engineering, had a very successful career at AEC and retired in December 2020. Patrick in a sense is coming home to Alfalfa Electric after being around the cooperative through his father-in-law for so many years. Patrick said, “I would like to give a special thanks to my father-in-law, Jim Daub, for getting me interested in becoming a lineman. I feel very blessed to be given this opportunity. I am excited to combine the feeling of coming home to Cherokee with my love for linework. Cherokee has always been near and dear to my wife and I’s heart. I’m very excited to be a part of the AEC family.”

Patrick is no stranger to linework or the cooperative family. After graduating high school, he attended a year of college and then joined the oilfield until 2004 when he was employed by Northwestern Electric Cooperative (NWEC).  He served NWEC as a Lineman Apprentice in Buffalo, Oklahoma.  In 2009, he received his journeyman lineman certificate from the U.S. Department of Labor. In 2012, an opportunity presented itself to move Patrick and his family closer to home. Patrick accepted a position as a service area lineman in Medford, Oklahoma. Patrick said, “Family has always been important to me. Moving to Medford to be near our family in Cherokee and Wakita only made sense.”

When Patrick is away from work, he enjoys spending time with his wife and kids. He and his wife, Tricia, have three sons: Isaiah (17), L.J. (age 13), and Logan (4).  Patrick enjoys watching sports with his family, snow skiing, camping, fishing, and hunting.

Alfalfa Electric is excited to gain Patrick as an area serviceman. His experience and knowledge will benefit our cooperative members.  Please join us in welcoming Patrick and his family to the AEC family.