District Meetings Not Needed

 During Alfalfa Electric Cooperative’s Annual Meeting held on April 13, 2018, members approved the following proposed bylaw amendment: 

Gary Olson
Stan Diller

In the event that no member except an incumbent trustee files such notice of candidacy and intention to stand for election with the secretary within the time prescribed, then no election shall be required, and the incumbent trustee shall serve another term. 

During this year’s filing period, Feb. 1-10, 2023, no member other than the two incumbent trustees filed. Therefore, it will not be necessary to hold district meetings this year to elect trustees. 

The members of District 5 will maintain their formerly-elected trustee STAN DILLER from Nash, Oklahoma. Trustee GARY OLSON from Carmen, Oklahoma, will continue representing the members of District 7. 

Diller and Olson will serve Alfalfa Electric Cooperative for another three-year term.