For the twelfth year, Alfalfa Electric Cooperative’s Board approved CoBank’s Sharing Success program. This fantastic program doubles the contributions of customers like AEC to the charitable organizations in the communities in their service area. This year, Alfalfa Electric awarded money to Carmen After 55 Club, Amorita Byron Fire Department, The City of Cherokee, and GSP Cares for various projects that will greatly impact the communities they serve.
CoBank recognizes that its customers often know best where funding is most effectively provided to benefit their communities. Since the establishment of Sharing Success in 2012, CoBank and its customers have contributed more than $76 million to groups such as volunteer fire departments, local schools, and hunger relief programs. Other groups include government organizations such as counties or municipalities and their agencies or departments, as long as the donation serves a public purpose and is consistent with the purpose and guidelines of the Sharing Success program. For 2023, CoBank matches $5 million of their customers’ grant funds. Each eligible customer (AEC) may request a match for up to four contributions with a total of $10,000.